Are you curious?

What if talk therapy hasn't worked for me?

Often, clients share they’ve spent a lot of time in talk therapy and concluded it “did not work for them.” I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this chat, as it’s usually the first gentle shift we make in perspective.

From experience, talk therapy can open us up to our stories and shed light on uncomfortable emotions or feelings we didn’t know existed. Therapists can help us to illuminate, familiarize ourselves with, and process so much.

Sometimes, as we meander down our paths, where we started becomes fuzzy. Many of us showed up to therapy unable to name or share about our experiences, and now, months or years later, that same story feels like a broken record, and we’re desperate for it to change.

That, my friends, is awareness. It’s not entirely common. And it’s essential for our work together.

Talk therapy likely did work for you, and now you’re ready for something new.

Healing conversations aim to directly change your internal stories (beliefs and identity) so you can experience yourself and the world differently. Clients usually notice substantial shifts after just one session. Talk therapy can be an instrumental foundation for our transformational work together.

Let’s send our gratitude and thanks to talk therapists everywhere.

What is a healing conversation?

During a healing conversation, we’ll focus on growing your internal experience so you can truly include more of yourself, what you’d like, and what value in your life. We’ll use specially crafted exercises to address challenges, patterns, or traumas that may be limiting access to your best self. I intend to guide you through uncovering your truths, which allows you to let go of identities and beliefs no longer serving you. Through these conversations, we can clearly see you, a whole and complete person, with respect and appreciation.

During conversations, we’ll use various tools and techniques— meditative parts work, energy care, transformational Neuro-linguistic Programming, Human Design, Ayurvedic theories, ecological guidance, and constellations. We’ll engage with each craft respectfully and based on your specific needs.

Healing conversations do not serve to replace, contradict, or make other therapeutic modalities redundant. In fact, it may be helpful for some to maintain various support systems to thrive. Each of us is unique, so I encourage clients to experiment and find what feels best, according to them.

Please send a message if you have more questions.

What is a constellation?

A constellation is energetic work meant to uncover and resolve hidden dynamics orchestrating your life. Constellations communicate both literally and metaphorically. Once a person has received the valuable information presented in a constellation, their subconscious mind goes to work, creating opportunities for new experiences and ways of being. Please reach out if you’d like to witness or participate in a constellation.

What type of ceremonies do you offer?

Ceremonies are an intimate and personal experience. Therefore, I strive to make each unique based on your specific needs and requests.

With that said, here is a list of possible options to stoke your creativity:

  • Birthday
  • Motherhood
  • Full Moon
  • New Moon
  • Transition of Season
  • Coming of Age
  • Menarche
  • Commitment
  • Empty Nest
  • Crone’s Circle
  • Cutting Ties
  • Separation/Divorce
  • Death

Please note creating a ceremony is a collaborative experience. First, we will spend time discussing your idea for the occasion. Then, we’ll be intentional about desires, guest list, location, timeline, rituals, and more. After our first conversations, you are welcome to be as involved or hands-off as you wish in planning and crafting. 

What's the time commitment?

Healing conversations last 1.5 to 2 hours. It is important to cultivate a private space with minimal distractions for the duration of the session. When planning, please dedicate a full 2 hours to your appointment. Additionally, some find it helpful to set aside time to reflect or relax after their session.

Circles are usually 2 hours.

Ceremonies are curated based on your preferences and time duration varies.

Where do we meet?

Healing conversations are beneficial both in-person and virtually. Currently, most sessions are on Zoom.

Circles are in-person at various locations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please check out this page for more information.

Ceremonies are available in the San Francisco Bay Area. Travel is an option, please inquire to discuss.

What's your cancellation or rescheduling policy?

I understand life happens unexpectedly.

To avoid losing your investment, please provide 48 hours of advance notice for rescheduling — this will ensure your payment is honored for a future session.

Cancellations two weeks before any scheduled conversation will be refunded or rescheduled based on your preference.

What about payment?

Investments vary based on service. Please connect with me for more information.


Sliding scale, payment plans, and trade are welcome. 

Payments are processed when booking and before rendering services.

I accept Zelle, Venmo, and PayPal – the client is responsible for fees.

Where can I learn more?

My Blog

An Introduction to Ayurveda by Banyan Botanicals to get started (no affiliation, but I do purchase their products!).

NLP overview from Good Therapy (no affiliation).

Constellation overview from Better Help (no affiliation).

NLP Marin, where I earned my practitioner certifications.


Do you have a reading list?

Yes! Every book I read is a glimpse into another reality.

Here is a short list of books I’ve enjoyed. If you’re looking for a specific topic, please ask.

  • Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • It Didn’t Start with You by Mark Wolynn
  • Moon Time by Lucy H. Pearce
  • Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer
  • Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian Weiss

I’d love you to send a message with some of your favorites.

Have more questions?